What to Say at a Wake to the Family

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Lesson 3 daily routine


I'grand in the first year at the university, where I'm studying English. My elder sis, Betty, is studying history at the aforementioned university. Betty tin can organise her time wisely, whereas I practise not know what order I should practice things in. I find it hard to get upward on time, and unremarkably I practise non get enough sleep. I have to wind 2 warning-clocks to brand sure I do not oversleep.

My sister, an early riser, is awake by seven o'clock, refreshed and full of energy. While I'm wandering round the kitchen, fighting the urge to go back to bed, ��������� ���������� ������� my sister manages to have a quick shower, brand her bed, put on make upwardly, practice her pilus, consume a full breakfast and set off to the university. Information technology takes me an hour and a one-half to get set up. I have a jerky seize with teeth and rush out ofthe firm. Even if I catch a bus at once I still make it at the university xv minutes late, which always makes me feel guilty.

My studies go along me busy all day long. I have 14 hours of English language a week. I besides have lectures and seminars. At lunchtime I meet up with my sister and we have a snack at the university cafe. After classes I brand myself go to the library where I spend most six hours a calendar week reading for my seminars.

My sister and I come up habitation tired. I always notice excuses to put my homework off. Dissimilar me, my sister manages to do the housework and go down to homework. I like the thought of going to bed early, simply quite oftentimes I take to sit down up tardily, brushing upward on my grammar and vocabulary, though I feel sleepy. My sister says that keeping late hours ruins one'southward health. Of grade, I agree.

Every bit my sister and I practice not get any time off during the calendar week, nosotros try to relax on the weekends. One of my greatest pleasures is to lie in bed and read my favourite books. My sister is a sporty person. To keep herself fit, Betty goes for a run in the park; from time to time she works out in the gym.

I hate staying in, and sometimes on Saturday night my sister takes me out to a concert or a play. Sometimes we go to a party or to a disco. Simply generally I stop upwards communicable up on my studies and my sis goes out. I wonder how I manage to spoil my leisure time.

Every Monday when I awaken I remember I should start a new life. I honestly remember that I must go well-organised and correct my daily routine. I make plans to go to go on-fit classes, to practise shopping with my sister, to do the cleaning and to do a hundred other adept things. But and then I recollect that I have to call on my school friend in the evening, and I put off my plans till next Monday. Information technology is e'er better to start a new life in a week.

i.������������ What is your usual day similar? Is information technology very different from this girl's mean solar day?

2.������������ What takes up most of your twenty-four hours?

3.������������ Look at the pictures below and say what can be said virtually you lot and ������ what cannot.

► Pattern: She unremarkably gets up at six. Simply I don't. I get up at seven. She usually has breakfast at eight. So practice I. I take breakfast at eight.

seven o'clock

eight o'clock

nine o'clock

twelve o'clock

five o'clock

7 o'clock

ten o'clock

4. Is your daily routine alwaysthe same?


One Day of Peter's life

(Story past Peter and Heidi Elliott)

I ordinarily manage to be start at waking upward � my brother Daniel (he's half dozen) would stay in bed until seven o'clock. Mum can't understand information technology just it seems obvious to me that this is when the twenty-four hours starts, so why miss the beginning? Afterwards a quick warm-up and a chat we creep downstairs to see what's been left effectually from the night before, although Mum is wise to this and has usually put away annihilation really interesting.

The refrigerator is always a adequately good place to start, and cold rice pudding tastes much ameliorate for breakfast than information technology does for pudding.one In fact I've tried most things at this hour, from common cold stuffed marrow to raw sausages; some of information technology isn't recommendable and some of it can get you into a lot of trouble. Anyway, I tin can always make my own breakfast of cereals with plenty of sugar and not much milk. Nosotros made Mum's2 the other twenty-four hours but she didn't similar the chopped peppercorns and Oxos3 that nosotros added to it. Listen yous, information technology didn't look also practiced.

Well, just when we get into a proficient game, Mum comes down and says that we have to put all the piece of furniture back and become dressed. I always have the last say in what I'm going to vesture, which is always jeans and a tee-shirt. I'grand only not relaxed if I'grand wearing smart trousers. I similar a loose jacket and a chapeau; my old cowboy hat is a bit misshapen but I practice non mind that, it seems to put me in the right mood for the day.

It's time to take Daniel to schoolhouse. I actually enjoy this trip at the moment because I've got a super petty bike which I ride there and back. Well, I don't exactly ride information technology because both pedals have fallen off and the chain has snapped, so now it'south more like a hobby-bicycle. I use my feet for brakes and propulsion.4 It works very well and my balance is now then skillful that I tin ride my brother'south big bike if someone helps me to get on and off.

When nosotros get to Daniel's schoolhouse I take a race around the playground and annoy a few of Dan's friends earlier the whistle goes, then, as the trip abode is upwardly-hill and rather ho-hum. Mum usually has to give me a push. I generally play then, or visit a friend downward the lane whose brother has some super toys, which compensates for the fact that she's a girl.five

Tiffin tin vary from twenty-four hours to day because I'thou quite fussy about my food. I find it hard to sit still long plenty to eat a whole dinner, so sometimes Mum reads a book to me which makes information technology much more than enjoyable, and if the story is very good, I've even been known to eat things that I didn't call up I liked.

I suppose that the manner I spend my day must seem fairly routine to some people, but I like to use it to the full no matter what I'm doing. I do everything with enthusiasm � whether amalgam a rocket with bricks or practising gymnastics on the bed or just sliding down the banisters, and I've noticed that people who are older than me don't seem to accept one-half as much fun, so I say that I'm going to enjoy myself for every bit long equally possible.

The afternoons are unpredictable. On a fine twenty-four hour period I may go swimming or visit a park or the shops. Personally, I think the shops are best, especially the ones with toys in. My mother just doesn't seem to sympathize that I need them all, anyhow I take a good try with as many as I tin before getting into problem with the assistant. Then I move on to the sweets, which I generally get one of. Friends' houses tin be a adept source of entertainment, although if they haven't got whatsoever children it can be a bit frustrating not existence immune to touch anything. Luckily nearly of female parent'southward friends have got children.

The best treat of all, though, is visiting Nanny.half dozen She'south got much more than time to spend on you than parents have and I exercise all sorts of things there. I have made some very tasty cakes in Nanny's kitchen and she doesn't mind how much mess goes on the flooring.7

I besides savor gardening with her. She is extremely patient with my pruning efforts.eight And then my afternoons vary until nosotros collect my brother from school at three.30. He's not and so much fun in the afternoons, but I do a scrap of insect searching on the manner home and collect whatsoever interesting sticks and stones that I recollect I could use in our minor garden.

My bedtime is stock-still at 7.thirty and to be honest I'k merely about ready for it by then. After doing my duty � by eating some tea � I play for a while or spotter television. I'g not a TV addict just cartoons I practise enjoy9 and my favourite program is Tarzan. When this is on I strip off to my underpants and really get into the role. (I'm fantastically brave.) I then have a trip down a shark-infested river10 at bathtime or exercise swimming in the bath, but my room is rather restricted and Mum doesn't appreciate how far I become the water upwards the wall.xi And then, when the water has got adequately cold, I reluctantly concord to become out and put my pyjamas on. I don't like cleaning my teeth but I do.

Mum has to read a book at bedtime: information technology gives me a few minutes to have a last play and select my favourite toys earlier the light goes out. After all, even in my dreams I've had to fight some pretty tearing tigers.

Proper Names

Daniel ['d{nj@l] � ������

Tarzan ['t¸z{due north] � ������

Vocabulary Notes

1. ... than information technology does for pudding � ... ��� ����� ��� ������ ��� ������.

2. ... nosotros made Mum's the other day � �� ���� �� ����������� ������� ����.

iii. Oxos � ������ (����.: �������� ��������� �������)

four. I utilize my anxiety for brakes and propulsion. � � ������� � ������������ ������.

5. ... visit a friend downwards the lane whose brother has some super toys, which compensates for the fact that she's a girl. � ... ���� � ��������, ������� ���� �� ����� �����; � � ����� ���� ����������� �������, � ��� ������� ���� � ���, ��� ��� � �������.

six. Nanny � �����: ������� (����.: � ������ ���������� ����� �������� ��������).

7. She doesn't mind how much mess goes on the floor. � �� �� �����, ������� ������ �� ����.

8. ... she is extremely patient with my pruning efforts. � ��� ����� ��������� ��������� � ���� �������� �������� ��������� ������� � �����.

nine. ... but cartoons I do savor ... � ... �� ��� �������� ��� ��������.

10. shark-infested � ������� �������.

11. Mum doesn't appreciate how far I become the water upward the wall. � ���� �� ��������, ��� � ����������� ����� ��� �����.

Comprehension Check

1. Why does the kid wake up first?

2. What practise the brothers do after a warm-upward and a chat?

3. What does the child like to wear?

4.������������ Why does the male child savor his trip to Daniel's school?

5.������������ Is he fussy most his food?

6.������������ Does the boy find his days boring?

vii.������������ How does he spend the afternoons?

8.������������ Whom does he enjoy visiting most? Why?

9.������������ When does the boy go to bed?

ten. Is he a Idiot box addict?

11. How does the boy entertain himself at bathtime?

12. What does he do before the calorie-free goes out? .

Phonetic Text Drills

○ Exercise 1

Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the text.

Obvious, to creep, stuffed, marrow, raw, recommendable, cereals, peppercorns, loose, cowboy, misshapen, super, propulsion, balance, to compensate, to vary, enthusiasm, gymnastics, banister, unpredictable, frustrating, treat, pruning, insect, addict, cartoon, underpants, appreciate, reluctantly, pyjamas, fierce.

○ Exercise 2

Pronounce the words or phrases where the post-obit clusters occur.

ane. plosive + plosive

managed to be, creep downstairs, good place, and common cold rice, look as well, proficient game, get dressed, to take Daniel, hard to sit, bedtime, just cartoons, trip downwards, and put.

2. plosive + w

at waking upwards, quick warm-upwardly, that we added, simply when, that we, it works, a rocket with bricks, patient with.

3. plosive + r

brother, pitter-patter, breakfast, tried, trouble, trousers, trip, brakes, propulsion, unpredictable, attempt, children, treat, extremely, programme, brave, practise, concur, pretty.

4. plosive + southward

would stay, it seems, starts, what's, tastes, terminal say, its time, sit down notwithstanding, must seem, good source, fight some.

�○ Do iii

Avoid imitation assimilation in the clusters:

one.� z + s

he's 6, has snapped, has some.

2. voiceless plosive + D

that this, at the moment, noticed that,������������� call back the shops.

iii. s/z + D

miss the starting time, Mum'southward the other day, as the trip, suppose that.

○ Exercise 4

Practice the pronunciation of predicative structures.

It's 'time to 'have 'Daniel to school. ||

The ,subsequently'noons are 'unpre'dictable. ||

The 'best 'treat of all, | though, | is 'visiting Nanny.���� ||

My bedtime is 'fixed at 'vii hirty | and | to be honest | I'grand 'just a'bout eady for it past ,then. ||

I'one thousand 'not a 'TV addict | but car'toons I 'do en'joy | and my 'favourite 'programme is Tarzan. ||


Practice one

Reproduce the sentences in which the following words and expressions are used.

to wake upwardly ����������������������������������������������������������� to vary from day to day

to exit effectually ���������������������������������� to use the day to the full

to get somebody into trouble �������������������������� to do everything with enthusiasm

to take the last say in������������������������ ��������������� to be a good source of

something ����������������������������������������������������������� amusement

to be relaxed �������������������������������������������������������� the best care for

to put somebody in the ��������������������� to be a Boob tube addict

right mood

boring ������������������������������������������������������������������ to strip off

to exist fussy about something ��������������������������� bedtime

Exercise ii

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Requite your reasons.

1.������������ The child is the last to wake upwardly.

2.������������ In the kitchen the boy tries a lot of things from cold mar������������� row to raw sausages.

3.������������ The child's mother has the concluding say in what he's going to ����������� wear.

4.������������ The male child likes to vesture smart suits.

5.������������ He finds his trip to Daniel's school deadening.

6.������������ The boy is fussy about his nutrient.

7.������������ The kid's routine is boring and predictable.

8.������������ He likes spending his time in the shops.

9.������������ The child enjoys visiting Nanny.

ten. He is a Goggle box addict.

eleven. The kid enjoys swimming in the bathroom.

Exercise 3

I. Give the 3 forms of the irregular verbs from the text:

Creep, put, get, ride, become, give, find, read, call up, slide, brand, fight.

2. Give the past course of the regular verbs:

Manage, stay, start, add, enjoy, snap, use, annoy, visit, compensate, vary, suppose, construct, exercise, seem, touch on, mind, collect, search, fix, lookout man, strip, appreciate, agree, select.

Practise 4

Fill the gaps in these sentences with the suitable words beneath.

I. ������������ frustrating����� ������ unpredictable

loose���������� ���������� smart

deadening�������� ���������� relaxed


1. She likes to feel comfortable and relaxed in clothes, that's why she ever wears ... sweaters and jackets and non ... suits.

two. Jane is fed up with this ... town � all they have is a bar, a cinema and a Chinese restaurant.

three. There must exist nothing more ... than having a job y'all don't like.

four. You can't feel ... and savor yourself if there are exams coming.

5. Since the time she was ill, she'south been ... most what she eats.

6. She behaves similar the weather condition in Great Great britain; she's so ...

2. ���������� to creep� to strip off������������ to vary

to select����� to annoy������ ��� to go out around

ane. There was a large number of beautiful toys and dolls in the shop and it took the girl a lot of fourth dimension ... one.

2. Someone ... into the business firm and stole jewellery.

3. She ran upstairs,... her wet jeans and sweater and pulled on a dressing gown.

4. I don't desire to stay in the business firm with these 2 screaming kids. They ... me.

5. To make kids swallow, you should ... the menu as much as possible.

half dozen. Delight, don't... your toys ... . I take to put them away before I tin can practise the cleaning.

Do v

Find in the text words and expressions like in meaning to the italicized ones.

one. Somehow he got involved in a boring conversation nearly food prices.

2. I always start my solar day with morning exercises and a cold shower. And, of course, I very much like a cup of hot java.

three. Nurses should do all they can to brand their patients feel at ease.

4. The child abandoned his favourite toy; a little squirrel in the grass had get better entertainment.

5.������������ When I go to the countryside I like to find insects.

vi.������������ I always get to bed at half past 7 and zippo can change my habit.

7.������������ I spent my holiday in Kingdom of spain and enjoyed information technology fully.

eight.������������ I tin can't think of anything more tedious than washing and ����������� cooking for the family all twenty-four hours long.

9.������������ I feel that you are doing that unwillingly.

x. My brother is always enthusiastic, no affair what he is doing � playing or working.

xi. We moved quietly upstairs so as non to wake the baby.

12. Morning exercises may be difficult work, only they can also be cracking fun.

13. A repast in a eating house came as a real pleasure after all the food at the academy.

fourteen. You are just saying that to irritate me.

fifteen. In the afternoons Female parent takes my sister from school.

Exercise vi

Detect in the text sentences containing:

I. synonyms and synonymous expressions for the following:

depressing����������������� ��������� untidiness

to choice somebody upward������ ��� to take off the clothes

physical exercises���������� ���� to be different

2. words or phrases with the opposite meaning:

to get out of bed���������� ������ to get undressed

not much���������������� ������������� boring

to stay out of problem������ �� predictable

Exercise 7

Discover in the text the English equivalents of the post-obit words and expressions.


�����������; ���������� � �������; ���� ����������; ��������; ����������� �������; ���������; ���� (������ ���-����); ���������� �� �����; ������ �������; ������ ���� ����; ������ � ����; �������� �� �����; �������� ����� ����� � 7.30; �� ���������� �� ����������; ��������� �� ����-����; �������� �����; ���������� ���������; �������� ������; ������� ����; ������ ����� �� ����; ���� ������; �� ���.


���������� � ������; �������; ��������� ������������; �����������; �������� �� ���-���� ��������� �����; �������� ����� (� �������� ������); ��������� ������� ����������; ���� � �������; ������ ����������; ���� �������������; ������������ � ������ ����; ����������� ����; ����������� ��� ����� ������; ���������� ����� �����; �������� �����������.

Practice eight

Express the aforementioned idea using different wording and grammer.

i.������������ After a quick warm-up and a conversation, we creep downstairs to run into what's been left around from the dark before.

2.������������ I suppose the fashion I spend my twenty-four hours must seem fairly routine to some people, but I like to use it to the full.

3.������������ Personally, I think the shops are all-time, especially the ones with toys in.

iv.������������ Friends' houses tin exist a practiced source of amusement.

five.������������ I'm not a Telly addict but cartoons I do enjoy and my favourite programme is Tarzan.

vi.������������ The all-time care for of all is visiting Nanny.

seven.������������ She is extremely patient with my pruning efforts.

eight.������������ When Tarzan is on I strip off to my underpants and actually become into the office.

ix. I then have a trip down a shark-infested river at bathtime or practice swimming in the bath, but my room is rather restricted and mum doesn't appreciate how far I become the h2o up the wall.

10. Mum has to read a book at bedtime, it gives me a few minutes to accept a last play and select my favourite toys before the low-cal goes out.

Exercise 9

1. Draw a chart similar the one below and conform the child'south activities into two columns.

2. After you have finished the chart, compare it with the rest of the grade. Hash out the child'south activities using the following words:

Interesting, creative, heady, good fun, dangerous, deadening, good exercise, relaxing, crazy, wonderful, enjoyable, terrible.

Outset your give-and-take with the following phrases:

I think/I don't think he enjoys/likes ...

It must exist unsafe/interesting to swim/to play... etc.

That sounds/does not audio like much fan/crazy... etc.

I'd like to try ... myself.

He doesn't heed ...

If I had time, I'd like to ...

Practise ten

Speak virtually your daily activities using the patterns given below.

1. I'm not a TV addict/ardent reader, etc. but cartoons/novels, etc. I exercise enjoy.

ii. I don't similar cleaning my teeth/watching newsreels, etc. only I do.

3. I find it hard to sit nevertheless long enough/to piece of work in the library, etc.

4. Information technology can be a fleck frustrating not beingness immune to touch anything/to get to a disco, etc.

Exercise xi

Speak about the child'southward daily routine:

1. in the third person;

ii. in the person of his mother;

3. in the person of his blood brother Daniel.

Practice 12

Discussion points.

1. What can yous say about the boy's character? Support your opinion.

2. What practice you think of his mother? What is her daily routine similar?

iii. What takes upwards most of the boy'south solar day?

4. What activities mentioned by the boy seem to be near entertaining to you? Why?

Practice thirteen

I. Discuss activities we practice as part of our daily/weekly routine. In five minutes write down equally many things every bit yous can think of. You should write your routines in full sentences, using adverbs of frequency. Read out your list to the class and delete annihilation you lot have written down which someone else has too. Thus make a listing of your special routines, that no one else has.

► Pattern: I hove parties every week.

II. Limited your own feelings about the special routines of your fellow students. Use the expressions of likes and dislikes.

► Blueprint: � I have parties every week.

� Well, to be honest/No, I'm not too not bad on arranging parties every week.

Exercise 14

Tell about your daily routine when a kid. Compare it with your present daily routine. Think about the following points: studies, everyday activities, leisure activities, food/dress, likes/dislikes. Apply the following phrases:

When a child, I used to ..., merely at present I��������������� ...

I never used to ...

I spent most of my time ..., but at present I ...

I was/am swell on ...

I was/am a ... addict.

I couldn't/can't live without ...

The all-time treat of all was/is ...

I found ... enjoyable, simply now

I find ... wearisome/interesting.

I've decided to give upwardly ...

But I'1000 not going to surrender ...

Practice 15

I. Read the following text and get set to reply the questions.

John Naylor, 24, is a successful businessman. Let's follow him through a typical 24-hour interval.

The warning clock goes off at 7:00 a. chiliad. John jolts out of bed at the same fourth dimension. The automatic java maker kicks on in the kitchen. He jumps in the shower, shaves, opens one of the half dozen boxes of freshly laundered white shirts waiting on the shelf, finishes dressing, and pours a loving cup of coffee. He sits down to a piece of whole wheat toast while he nips through the Armada Street Journal. It takes him virtually 15 minutes to wake up and become ready. His briefcase in one hand and gym purse in the other, he hops in the car, ready to start the day.

He clocks in at exactly 7:45 a. thou. He takes a seat in front of the computer and prepares for hours of telephone calls and meetings that occupy his mornings.

At noon John rashes to the health lodge where he strips off the grey suit and changes into his T-shirt, shorts and the latest in pattern running shoes for tennis. In an hour he is sitting in the club dining room where he has scheduled lunch with a potential client. They talk over business over sparkling water, pasta and a cup of coffee.

At ii:xxx p. m. he is back at his office, eager for several more than hours of frantic meetings and phone calls. At 6:00 p. m. John phones out for commitment of dinner to keep him going through the next two to iii hours he'll spend at his office.

John gets home at ten:00 p. m. just in time to sit down to a bowl of frozen yoghurt and a reran of this flavour's nearly pop drama series earlier turning in.

II. Make brief notes of John's daily routine. Utilize these times every bit a guide.

7:00������� 7:45��������� ��2:30����������� 10:00

vii:15������� 12:00���������� half dozen:00 - ix:00���� 1:00

III. Reply the following questions:

1. What takes up most of his time?

2. What things practise y'all dislike about his daily routine?

3. Is his daily routine always the same?

4. Is his daily routine very unlike from yours? How?

v. What practice you recollect about his social life? What daily routine may his girlfriend have?

six. Is he happy? Why?

7. What problems may ascend if John gets married and starts a family? Will children fit into this hectic schedule?

IV. Piece of work in groups of ii.

Student A: You are going to interview John. Ask him questions well-nigh his daily routine, and ask annihilation else you like. (Eastward. g. How he feels about his life, what he likes about his work, his futurity plans).

Student B: You are John. Reply the interviewer's questions nearly your daily routine. When yous are asked nigh other things, invent suitable answers.

Exercise 16

Pair piece of work: Talk virtually your busiest twenty-four hours. Ask the post-obit and more:

1. What's your busiest day?

2. What do yous usually practice?

3. What time do you get up?

4. Where practise you usually have breakfast, lunch?

5. What do you lot usually do after classes?

half-dozen. What fourth dimension do you usually go abode?

seven. What do you do at the cease of the day?

8. What do yous do in your spare time?

9. What time do you usually go to bed?

ten. What activities practice y'all enjoy? Which practise you lot dislike?

Exercise 17

Imagine you tin can practice what you lot like and work where you desire. Plan your daily routine. When you are gear up tell the class.

Exercise 18

I. Carry out a survey titled "How to Organise Your Mean solar day". Ask your fellow students:

1. how much time they spend: working, sleeping, washing and getting dressed, eating and drinking, shopping, travelling, doing housework, studying, reading, watching TV or listening to the radio, performing other leisure activities, doing null;

two. which activities they enjoy doing and how long they spend on them;

3. which activities they practise not enjoy doing and how long they spend on them;

iv. if at that place is something they don't have time to do or would like to spend more time doing;

5. if there is some way they could organise their time differently and how.

Two. Make notes and analyse the results of the investigation. Write a brusk study giving the results of your survey. Employ words and expressions like these:

None of... ����������������������������� A peachy many of...

Hardly whatever of... ��� Some of...

Very few of... ����������������������� A large number of.

Not many of... ����� A lot of...

The majority of...

III. Use the following phrases for summarising or generalising:

on the whole, ...������ ������������ at commencement glance, ...

evidently, ...������������� ��������� it seems/appears that ...

mostly, ...

Four. When you have finished your report, testify it to the other students in the class and discuss.

Practice 19

Retell the following text in English language.

����� �������, ������� �, ��� �����. ����� ���� �������� ��������, ����� � ������. �������� ���� ���� �������� � ��������� ����� ������ �����. ����� ����� ���� ������ ���� ������� � ������, � ����� �� ������ ������ ���� ������ �����. ����� ������ ���� ���������� ��� ���������: ��� � �������� ������, ��� ������ ������, �� ��� ��� ���� �� ����� ����� �������� �����.

���, ������, � ������� � ����� ������ � ������, ����� ���, ��� ������ �����. � ����� ������ �� ������, ��� ������� ����, �� ���� � ���, ��, ��� ������ � ����� �� ���������� ����, � ���� �� �� ������ ��������, � � �������, ����� ��� ������ �������� �����. ����� � ����� ���� ������ ������, ����� ������ ��� ����� ����������, � ��� ��� ���� �������� � �� ��������� ���� �� ���� ��� ����� ������. �� �� ��������� ���� ����������� �� �� �������. � ���� � ������, ������ �� � ���� ��� ����������. ��� � �����, �����, � ������� ��� ����� ����, ��� � ���� ������ ��� ����. �� ���� � ���� ���� ����, ������ ��� �� �������. ���� ��� ���� ���-������ ������, �� � ����� �� ���� ��������� ���� ��� ������, � ���� ��� �� ���� ����-������ ������, �� � ����� �� ���� ��������� ���� ����� �� ������. ���, ��������, ���� � ����� ������ �����-������ ���������� ������, �� ����� � ����� � ����� �� ���� ����������. ���, ��������, ���� ������ �����, ��� ���� ��� �������� �����, � � �� �����. ���� �������, ���� � ��� �����, � ���� �������, ��� ���� ��� �����, � � �� ��������, ���� ������� �� ������� ����, ���� ��� ������ ���� ������ ������. � ��� �� �� ����� � ���� ��������. �� ������� � ���� ���� ���� ������� ������� ����, �� � ������!

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� ���� ���� � ����� � ������ �� ������, � ������ ��������� ������ ������� � ����� ��� ������� �� �����. � ��� ����� ����� � ���� ��������. �� ��� ��������? ������ ��� �������� ���� �� �������. ����� � ��� ���� ��� �����-������ ���������� �������. ���� �� ��������?� � �����.� ��� ��� ��������?� ����� �����: ������-�� ������� � �������� � ������. �� ����� � ��� ��������, ��� ���� ���� ������� ���� �� �����, � �������� ��� � �������� ������ �� �������.

(�. �����. ����� ������ � ����� � ����)

Exercise 20

I. Read the list of English language idioms and find their Russian equivalents in the second list.


To be back on track; a whole good hr; from time to fourth dimension; year in, year out; on the run; in the dead of night; day in, 24-hour interval out; to play the fool; to twiddle one's thumbs.


����� �� �������; ������ ������; ��� ��� � ����; �� ���� � ���; �������� �����; �� ����; ����� ���; ����� � �����; ���� �������.

Ii. Use the English idioms in sentences of your ain speaking about your daily routine.

Exercise 21

I. Lucifer the two halves of each proverb correctly. Translate them into Russian or give their Russian equivalents.

An early bird catches �������������������������������������������������������� ��������������� Jack a boring male child

Time is ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 things at once

Never put off till tomorrow ��������������������������������������������������������������� a virtue

Fourth dimension and tide �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� a worm

Meliorate late �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� money

Everyday is not ������������������������������������������������������������������ what you lot can do today

No homo can do ������������������������������������������������������������������� wait for no man

All work and no play makes ������������������������������������������������������������� Sunday

Punctuality is �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� than never

2. Make upward a story to illustrate i of these proverbs.

Practice 22

Translate the quotations and comment upon them.

'A day is a miniature eternity.'

Ralph Emerson

'Write it on your heart that every twenty-four hours is the best day in the year.'

�������������������������������������� Ralph Emerson

'Three o'clock is ever too late or too early for anything you want to do.'

�������������������������������� Jean-Paul Sartre

'The twenty-four hours is for honest men, the night for thieves.'


'Every day, in every way, I am getting ameliorate and amend.'

Emile Coue

Exercise 23

Role-play "Making a TV Program".

Setting:�� The streets of a big mod city.

Situation: A television crew is making a programme about dissimilar lifestyles. The journalists stop people in the street and interview them. They inquire questions near their daily routine. They effort to notice out what time they go up, whether they get enough sleep, what they have for breakfast/dinner/supper, whether they are fussy nearly food, how they get to piece of work, whether they are belatedly for work, what time they come dorsum abode, who does the cooking/cleaning/shopping/washing, etc., whether they are more awake in the morning or in the evening, what fourth dimension they get to bed, what they do to keep fit, what they practice to relax, whether they have any kind of social life, what puts them in a good mood, whether their daily routine is always the aforementioned.


Card I�Ii�� � Christian and Christine, the journalists.

Carte Iii�Iv � Daniel and Diana, an actor and an actress. Famous and well-known.

Card V����� � Sheppard, a university student. Not very diligent.

Card VI���� � Shirley, a model. Willing to brand a career.

Card Seven��� � Patricia, a school instructor. Very responsible.

Bill of fare VIII�� � Felicia, a housewife. Has a large family.

Bill of fare IX���� � Raymond, a businessman. Very busy and very rich.

Carte du jour X����� � Letitia, a waitress in a restaurant. Young and carefree.

Menu XI���� � Simon, a professional driver. Works hard and long hours.


Practise 1

Learn the spelling of the words in bold type from Introductory Reading and practise 1 on page 68 and be set up to write a dictation.

Practise 2

Write a curt description of a) your busiest day; b) your 24-hour interval off; c) your favourite day in the course of diary notes. Follow the pattern:

Practise 3

Write a composition or an essay on ane of the following topics.

1. The Twenty-four hours Everything Went Wrong.

2. How I Organise My Time.

3. The Day Earlier You Came. (ABBA)

4. 'Never put off till tomorrow, what you tin do the day after tomorrow.' (O. Wilde)

5. The Day of a Person Is a Picture of This Person.



In writing information technology is very important to observe correct punctuation marks.

A full terminate is put:

i) at the finish of sentences;

2) in decimals (e.m. 3.5 � iii signal 5).

A comma separates:

1) homogeneous parts of the sentence if there are more than iii members (due east.g. I saw a house, a garden, and a car);

2) parentheses (e.g. The story, to put it mildly, is not nice);

3) Nominative Absolute Constructions (e.g. The play over, the audience left the hall);

four) appositions (east.grand. Byron, ane of the greatest English language poets, was born in 1788);

five) interjections (eastward.g. Oh, you are right!);

vi) coordinate clauses joined by and, but, or, nor, for, while, whereas, etc. (e.one thousand. The speaker was disappointed, but the audience was pleased);

7) attributive clauses in complex sentences if they are commenting (eastward.k. The Thames, which runs through London, is quite deadening. Compare with a defining clause where no comma is needed � The river that/which runs through London is quite deadening);

8) adverbial clauses introduced past if, when, because, though, etc. (e.g. If it is true, we are having good luck);

9) inverted clauses (e.g. Inappreciably had she entered, they fired questions at her);

10) in whole numbers (e.thousand. 25,500 � twenty 5 thousand v hundred).

Object clauses are not separated by commas (e.g. He asked what he should exercise).

To exist connected on folio 140.


Source: http://robotlibrary.com/book/10-anglijskij-yazyk-dlya-studentov-universitetov/6-lesson-3-daily-routine.html

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